Note however that Juvenile thrumbos will not drop horns.
The horn is both valuable, worth 800 silver, and a fairly powerful melee weapon equivalent to an excellent steel longsword. They yield the most meat of any animal when butchered, tied only with Elephants and Megasloths. However, should you kill one, the rewards are significant. Never, ever engage them except on favorable terms. They can move faster than a colonist and their horn inflicts massive damage. Take precaution when attempting to hunt them. They are are extremely powerful and a rampaging one can threaten the entire colony. Thrumbos are difficult, but rewarding, to kill. Note that unlike the other dendrovore, the alphabeaver, thrumbos will not eat anima or gauranlen trees. Thrumbos are both herbivorous, eating both plants and harvested vegetables, and dendrovorous, eating live trees.