do not confuse this with the CMD Escape character) to work around this, either enter Esc at the command line or use an editor like Notepad++ which allows copy and paste. Many basic text editors do not provide a method of entering an ANSI Esc character (n.b. In some text editors this will appear as ^[ or Esc[
The Esc character in the above table must be entered with the key combination Ctrl+[ These codes are the same as those used in a Unix/Linux/VT 100 terminal though the colors may be slightly different shades. Specify the color codes in a batch file by ECHOing the foreground and/or background color codes (from the following table) followed by the text to be formatted, followed by the ANSI default ( Esc[0m) to reset the terminal back to the default colors.
ANSI colors are available by default in Windows version 1909 or newer.